Mechanical Ventilation
“Mechanical ventilation can be defined as “ventilation that depends on fans and other air movement devices to cause air movement between the inside and outside of a building, between enclosures within a building and within enclosures”. In mechanical ventilation systems the outdoor air is essentially pumped to where it is needed using fans.” –
For further advice on determining whether mechanical ventilation is sufficient and how to improve if needed, contact an expert or read the guidance from the OZSage Safe Air Working Group
For building owners or managers, the UK Royal Academy of Engineering has very accessible guidance on why ventilation is important and what can be done to improve it at
Another excellent introduction to mechanical ventilation and how to improve it from ventilation engineer Joey Fox can be found here
Where mechanical ventilation is deemed not to be adequate, attempts need to be made to increase natural ventilation or install portable HEPA filters.
Natural Ventilation
Natural ventilation provides ventilation without the use of a fan. Wind or temperature differences between the interior and exterior move air through ventilation grates.
Hepa (Air) Filters
HEPA Filters have been shown to reduce the amount of virus containing aerosols in the indoor air environment and may be a suitable solution where mechanical and natural ventilation is inadequate