Dr Celine Gol - N95 mask, large window which is always open. SmartAir SA600 on medium/high setting. CO2 levels consistently under 500ppm. The room is around 16m2. Patients can wait outside on provided seating until called for appointment. There are also air purifiers in waiting area and other consult rooms.
Specialties Facility Energy Audits RETScreen Expert Software and Training Energy Project Measurement & Verification Compressed Air Systems Ventilation Assessments
Samsung hepa air purifiers in reception/waiting area & one in consulting room
What more can you ask for? View of the penguins in a well ventilated restaurant that maintained a CO2 below 900ppm at full capacity
They have large hepas in treatment rooms and the dentist and assistant wore P2 high quality masks for the appointment. Requested at the time of booking.
Our Commercial HRV unit in conjunction with our Smartair HEPA filters provide over 6 air exchanges per hour. Virtual consultations and follow-ups with patients whenever possible. Masks strongly encouraged.
The gym space is a large 200m² and was previously a paint shop so the natural ventilation is very good. We monitor the indoor air quality and use fans when required. This space has a large roller door down one end of the room which is always open. The CO2...
“Excellent services, facilities, and #DAVOSsafe air cleaning. Really nice way to spend an afternoon. My wife and I have been treating ourselves here since 2019. The masseuses I’ve had are all very skilled, welcoming, and attentive to requests. She also goes here for mani-pedis and facials and always has a...
Samsung AX90T in the waiting room and a Samsung Ax34 in each consult room.