Elaia Spa

“Excellent services, facilities, and #DAVOSsafe air cleaning. Really nice way to spend an afternoon. My wife and I have been treating ourselves here since 2019. The masseuses I’ve had are all very skilled, welcoming, and attentive to requests. She also goes here for mani-pedis and facials and always has a great experience. The prices are better than average for this standard of service (compare the Woodmark or Four Seasons for example). You also get full access to the facilities, including a large pool, hot tub, sauna, steam room, and relaxation room with a small selection of nice spa snacks. And valet parking is only $11 (for up to six hours I think). For all that alone, it’s an excellent experience. But truly special is this is one of the most COVID-safe businesses I have ever measured. First, the fresh air ventilation. Throughout, the spa, you can hear the quiet whoosh of an always-on HVAC system. The CO2 levels in all the common spaces including the locker rooms and pool have been reliably between 550-600 ppm when I’ve been there. In the sauna, CO2 stable at 700 ppm! (and it’s so hot in there viruses die fast anyway). Most impressively, in the massage room, CO2 levels max out at 800 ppm. With a two people, one working hard, my best estimate is that’s 20 air changes an hour. Even if I’m off by a factor of two, the massage rooms meet or exceed operating room and TB ward standards. And there are quiet Winix HEPA filters everywhere. It was on high (3 fans) in my massage room, which I estimate based on room size and specs is roughly 10 more air changes an hour in an already wonderfully well-ventilated space. In the common relaxation room where the sound is less noticeable, they’re on turbo. Masks are optional for clients and staff, but my last two masseuses (since the requirement was dropped) and the aesthetician were masked, and I would be very surprised if an unmasked service provider would object if asked. (There are black surgical masks for free in the relaxation room too.) It’s a true treat for those of us who know clean indoor air is the future to go somewhere to relax where you can truly relax.”

Source https://www.google.com/maps/reviews/@47.6137543,-122.334102,16z/data=!4m6!14m5!1m4!2m3!1sChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURSNzVtTU5REAE!2m1!1s0x54906ab5344eb8e1:0x3caa84aeb686d429?hl=en-US

Address & Contacts


1635 8th Ave, Seattle, WA 98101, United States


47.6138874, -122.3341112

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