Far UV Technologies

Our ambitious goal is to rid the world of future pandemics or epidemics by creating autonomous persistent disinfection devices that can immediately assist in containing the inevitable emergence of infectious diseases that can be spread by pathogens on surfaces or through the air.

Far UV products can be utilized in education, medical, elderly care, transportation, commercial, retail, and other applications to dramatically reduce or eliminate the incidence or spread of common colds and flu, hospital-acquired chemical or antibiotic-resistant microbes (MRSA), and more dangerous pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2. Our mission is to continuously maintain and improve the quality of life for people everywhere by reducing or eliminating the pathogens that lead to infectious disease.

Along with effective diagnostics, vaccines, and therapies, the elimination of pathogens in occupied spaces is an essential element of infectious disease eradication. Far UV Krypton Disinfection Lights are an essential addition to existing infection control practices, as part of a multi-pronged approach to prevent the spread of existing and emerging diseases.



Address & Contacts


7208 Wornall Rd, Suite 210 Kansas City, MO 64114


38.997361985537, -94.594032520021

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